Our little guy has hit some very fun milestones lately! Each new thing he does gets me so excited! (Dustin thinks it is funny how excited I get!) We have thoroughly been enjoying Jack's little laugh for the last few weeks, he is getting better and better at sitting up, but yesterday Jack just hit a HUGE and exciting and life changing (for all of us) milestone - Our little guy finally learned how to roll over!! Gone are the days where I can leave Jack lying on the couch or bed or changing table without constant supervision. He could start rolling all over the place so Dustin and I will need to be watching him very closely! OH I was so SO excited. It all started on Wednesday when Jack shocked me by rolling over in the bath tub. I was very excited but thought, oh that is easier cuz it is slippery....Then later that day Dustin was practicing rolling over with him and he did it several times when Dustin helped tuck his arm under.....But then yesterday I was getting ready and decided to let Jack do some tummy time. I laid him down on his tummy and started to turn away, but what do my wondering eyes behold, but Jack practically instantly rolling over after I laid him down. Fluke? I think not. I laid him down two more times and he rolled over again and again!! I excitedly called Dustin who was on his way home and the little man performed his new trick for daddy when he got home as well! Yippee for Jack!! So here are some recent pictures of our little man that we are oh so proud of! Plus I think he looks oh so cute and handsome in these pictures. (Btw, "Jack's Mad Skills Part 2" coming soon!) Enjoy the pics!
Jack apparently very happy with himself after rolling over in the tub!

Jack sporting some basketball shorts and a mohawk. (I know it is hard to see, but click on it to make picture bigger to see Jack's sweet mohawk!) Sorry it is sideways - issues with my computer today!

Cute, cozy outfit Great-Grandma Belnap sent Jack!

Oh so cute!!

What a little stud muffin!
Way to go, Jack! Those are some great accomplishments! I love his little outfits.
It is so fun when they hit milestones!! Good job Jack. He is such a cutie and you are such a proud mom. You can tell you love your little guy tons.
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