Here is the beautiful bride, me and our other good friend Kristin.
Here is Kristin (my cute, amazing, sweet prego friend), Jack, and me at the temple
Well seeing Amos all married and seeing Kristin who is prego with her second child and getting ready to move away to Seattle area, and chatting with my friend Tana who has been my friend since 1st grade and will probably be getting married soon as well, I really have been thinking about how much these girls mean to me. A few trips to Utah back, I got to go to dinner with all three of them. We don't get together nearly enough or keep in touch as well as we should but when we do get together we talk about anything and everything, laugh, give each other loads of crap (or just give me a hard time cuz I am a bit dumb.....thanks for that guys!!) or even gossip a little about the Logan happenings/old LHS folks.......
I love these girls! They have been the best friends that I have ever had in my life. They have been there through good times and bad (especially Tana! Oh how did you put up with me through those rough years!?) I just wanted to let these girls know that they mean the world to me. We are all so so different, and at different stages of life, and living a bit spread out, but these are girls I know I can turn to for anything. Thanks for being my friends and my sisters! You guys are all amazing and beautiful and fun! I love you guys! Here is a fun/embarrassing trip down memory lane:
Freshman year of high school

Powder Puffs


Hanging out

My "homegirls" :)

Tana and Amos showing support at my sis's wedding
Tana and Jack after he was born (BTW how many people do you know who have had a friend since 1st grade...almost 20 years!)
Friend get together!
These girls totally remind me of a couple of quotes, given to me over the course of our friendship by a couple of these friends: "A friend is the person who knows all about you and still likes you." The other: "Friends love the person you were and the one you've become." This totally applies to these girls! I love you and even though we aren't so good at keeping contact (we need to do better), please know you are in my thoughts and heart!
P.S. If any of my other close friends feel left out by this post, don't worry, I love you too, and perhaps your tribute day is coming.....
Amy really did look so beautiful. You three have been friends for so long! Seeing those pictures of you in highschool brought back a lot of memories. Cute pictures!
Don't worry, you are now on my list. I have tried adding you like 5 times and I guess it never worked. I've got it figured out now though. I am here for the long haul but wish I was going to be here longer. I am never going to be ready to move home. I am thinking I need to find a man to marry here and live here for the rest of my life :) Then you could come visit me.
Fun times! It was so great to see a pic of Amos on her big day since I wasn't there to see her. Glad you were able to be there.
Yea it sure is nice to have a baby bump now… I have been so excited to get pregnant, and then all I could wait for was to get a belly…. I have them both now! Yiippiii… What ever about the hair lady, your are to funny… you make me laugh…. I am sure they got just as much from your hair…. Yea crazy that we are all pregnant at the same time…it is so fun to keep in contact this way.. I love it…. How are you and your hubbie and little Jack doing?? He is just the cutest little guy ever…. Well hope your summer is going well…. Have a great Sunday!!!
Ofa atu,
I read your blog sometimes and I just have to say this post is darling. Sometimes getting together with old friends is the best. And it is fun to see the progression of pictures from high school to now.
you all looks soo beautiful! :)
hi Heather,
It's Lindsie (Gherkins) McDaniel and I saw your blog from Kristin's. Your little Jack is so cute! I can't believe Amy got married, she looked beautiful! It was fun to see those pictures of way back when. Hope you don't mind if I check your blog every now and then.
Thanks for the nice tribute Heather. I can honestly look back at our high school times and say they were so much fun and full of no regrets. I am so glad that I had good friends who made good choices. I think that is why I am who I am today. Thanks you guys for everything. I love you all!!
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