Last week my parents came up for a visit. They love us. They love Montana. We love to have them come visit. It is a win-win situation for all! It was so great to have them here for 4 days, but it went way too fast! We had fun visiting, chatting, going to the Museum of the Rockies, and going to the MSU football game. Dustin even got to sit in the stands with us instead of be on the sideline, so that was a special treat! My dad also got in a good day fishing, so that was good for him. My parents found good deals at our Ross, and they bought Jack a toy that he absolutely loves. It is a little penguin that plays music, counts, and does the A,B,C's. Jack likes to dance to the music. I also had good times doing a couple work out videos with my mom. I am pretty sure I was way more sore than she was after them. My mom and I also went to Rocky Creek farms with some ladies from church. My camera was of course dead upon arrival, but my mom got some darling pictures that I am waiting to get sent. Jack absolutely loves his grandparents, and he made my dad's day when he kept saying, "Papa!" (Jack's version of Grandpa) while they were here. We loved having them visit. Anyone is welcome to visit any time! We love visitors! Thanks mom and dad for using your vacation time to come up and spend time with us. It was a great time and it meant a lot to us! We love you! Here are some highlights from their stay:

Jack and Grandma at the football game!

Jack and his Daddy in the stands together for once at the football game! Jack's cute shirt says, "I've got an AWESOME dad!" Why, yes he does!

Grandma, Grandpa, Jack, and BIG MIKE at the Museum of the Rockies

Here is all of us at the "Laser Horrors" show at the Museum. Now I don't know how people manage to fall asleep during a loud, bright, spooky laser show but Jack and my dad both managed to do it. I let Jack sleep, but I elbowed my dad when the snoring became a distraction from the show.

Jack and me by Big Mike's foot!
Jack and his sweet, beautiful, wonderful, amazing Grandma!

Jack with his Grandma and Grandpa! He sure does love you guys!

Jack showing off his walking skills with Grandma!
My favorite photo is where you all fit your faces into one photo! GOOD JOB! P.s. One day I will come to visit. :)
I miss Montana SO much. I bet the weather up there is beautiful. I can't believe how big Jack is getting. You have a great looking family :)
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