Memorial Day weekend we headed down to Logan. Always good times and good food when my family gets together. Here are some highlights and low lights:
We went golfing. Here is Lisa's manly man in his "salmon" shirt and my manly man in his "lavender" shirt. Oh boy.
Prior to The INCIDENT:
The aftermath: I bawled for at least 2 more holes. Lisa, though shaken, seemed quite fine and happy as ever.
The victim in the possessed golf cart!
Stacy and mom taking over their half of the golf day!
Jack loved swinging and being in my parent's backyard all day every day we were there. I agree though - what a fun back yard with a swing set, a basketball court, and balls and toys galore!
Playing on the swing set: Daddy and Jack, Aubrey, Conner, and Drew
Jack crashing the big kid's sleepover and everyone enjoying it!
Mylee holding Chewie
Aubrey, Grandma, Jack, and Mommy
Jack and Aunt Lisa. Jack won't be the youngest grandchild for long. Lisa is due in September.
Jack and Mommy after church.
Here is Jack really enjoying popcorn with Lisa, Bryce, Riley, Maddy, Conner, Aubrey, and Drew. It was the kid's movie night! :)
We went on a walk down to the Providence cemetery. Here is the gang getting ready to begin the walk, everyone but Grandma who we were waiting for.
Cute little Aubs-Ka-Bobs!
On the way back we found a worm and gave it to Jack. He pulled it apart and said, "Uh-oh. Broke." Pretty funny. If you can't tell, in this picture he is showing us the worm while it was still ummm........unbroken! :)
We went up to the park and played kickball. This is the winning kickball team. Notice neither Dustin and I are on it.....Hmmmm......
We also had drop kicking contests and rolled down the hills. Here is Jack's first experience with rolling down a hill. He thought it was pretty fun and was laughing pretty hard!
Maddy and me up at the kickball field. I cannot believe I have a niece that is 11! She is getting and looking so old! :) Crazy how time flies!
Bryce and Lisa busted out a cheap little slip and slide. It was a hit with all the kids, at least for 5 minutes. Good times were ruined by a rain cloud that blew in really fast. As you can see by Jack's face in this picture, those 5 minutes were lots of fun and he enjoyed it! :)
Riley coming down the slide and splashing Jack! :)
Cute, tiny little Mylee. Yes, she really is over 6 months older than Jack, even if she doesn't look like it! :)
The kids basking in a few minutes of sunshine!
Jack cuddling with Aubrey
Aunt Lisa made some homemade Oreo ice cream. Daddy and Jack are OBVIOUSLY enjoying it!
The sweet boy peacefully sleeping the morning we left. Too bad we had to wake him up to get on the road so daddy could get to work on time!
Jack of course fought sleep almost the entire drive back to Bozeman. Of course with only 20 minutes left in the drive we look back to see this: Jack fast asleep with the food we gave him to try to keep him happy the whole drive home crusted to his face. (He did not take a nap when we arrived home because apparently his little power nap was just enough!)
I didn't know Greasa was going to have a bay-bee! Oh, how time flies ... For everyone else but me! ;)
You are coming to Logan again or is your fam going to Montana? :)
What fun times! Your neicies and nephews are huge and so old! Crazy! Lisa Pieca Pooh looks so fute prego! That is crazy about the incident! Always nice to laugh about later when you know she is alright! Are you coming to the Belanp fam reunion? Hope so!
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