What HAVE we been up to? Hmmm....Well the following pictures should give an idea:
Jack is still a crazy, busy, goofy, adventurous, curious, smart, milk-loving, outdoorsman. We sure enjoy every new adventure with him, and it truly is amazing how he is learning so much and saying so much!
Dustin has been working hard building us a new Trek deck. It is finally done, and it looks great. Plus, no more slivers in Jack's hands! Yay!
Here is Jack helping by handing Daddy some screws.
Yeah this is pretty much how I have felt the last month....
I did a whole lot of grading the last two weeks of school. I am VERY happy to be out for summer break!
Oh and Dustin grew a beard again. It is now gone again. He likes mixing it up with the facial hair experiments.
Now more about Jack: One Sunday Jack was not feeling good. This was the only way to console him and get him to eat. So he got to eat out on the deck. Hey, don't judge. It worked.
We are still trying to get Jack to stop hitting. This is him in his "Time Out" spot. He isn't enjoying it in this picture, but other times he hits and then goes and sits over there happily by himself. What a stinker! :)
He loves climbing up on this and jumping off! What a little dare devil!
A mischievous face!
Checking out the big tulips! Sad how fast tulips die though. They are already gone!
Attempting to drink out of a big boy cup. He has not mastered this skill yet.
Nice strategically placed bat, Jack! :)
1:00 church is rough. It is right during nap time. This is what Jack looks like every Sunday by the time we have pulled into our driveway after church. He is however LOVING nursery!
Jack outside playing. He loves hats lately. In fact, he finds my beanies in the closet and loves to put them on! Tonight he picked one that actually matched his outfit, so we let him wear it all night to my softball game.
Jack sporting some pajamas and his sweet galoshes that a friend gave us. He loves those boots!
An awesome picture of Jack, once again in pjs and his boots, asking for his "wa-wa." (He calls every beverage "wa-wa.")
A silly face
If you can't tell in this picture, Jack is wearing my belt. Jack loves wearing our belts and our shoes.
Jack loves opening and closing doors, especially the fridge door. For once it would be awesome to go to the bathroom though without him and Chewie coming in and Jack shutting the door and closing us all in there together...
Our little stud muffin...kind of acting shy. He has been acting more and more shy lately. Weird.
My three boys lounging. I love these guys!
Jack and Chewie snuggling! (A rare moment!)
Jack being silly. We were going through clothes that my sis-in-law gave us, and Jack found this hat and wore it around all night! :)
Jack standing on Daddy....
And jumping on and off....
And getting tossed in the air....Woo hoo! Good times with Daddy!
And Jack is learning how to brush his own teeth!
The end.....Ha! Ha! I couldn't resist, but this really is the end of our long post. We are off to Utah for some family reunions! Wahoo! We will have lots to update when we get back! So for now, enjoy this lovely picture of Jack's cute little bum! :)

Define "family reunion" ... Like who all is going to be there? Your immediate family or like EXTENDED, EXTENDED family? If the latter, congratulations. I would never travel that far to go to an EXTEND, EXTENDED family reunion. :)
P.s. Did you know I pull that exact same face you do? Eyes crossed, tongue sticking out? Weird. :)
I am sorry that I missed you! It was super busy: sick kids, cousins, grandparents, etc. But we had fun. How is Tana doing? Is she married? I had no idea that she even lived in Heber. Crazy!!! What a horrible friend I am. Did you guys have a fun time? And how was the end of school? I sure hope that you survived, it can really be rough!!! Let me know how you are doing.
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