Sunday, February 7, 2010

Çhristmas Day!

My family all got together on Christmas Day! We had delicious food and lots of fun!
Here is Jack playing the piano with his cousin, Britney.
Rick and Stacy brought up their Rock Band, and practically the whole family got in on the Rock Band action. Rick was pretty amazing at the country vocals, as was Alex. Riley rocked the guitar. And Conner was the best guitarist. Dustin was pretty amazing at the drums too! I sucked at everything. :)
Yes, even my mom got into a little Rock Band! Here she is jamming out on the drums! We have Amy on the vocals!
Jack enjoyed playing with his cousins! Here he is hanging out with Mylee in the playroom.
A rare picture of Dustin and me together! :)

Alex and Clint, Stacy, and Amy! Nice foursome in black ready for our Christmas program!
Here were all of the nativity actors/actresses! Jack was a shepherd. Lily was baby Jesus! :)
Check out the sweet maternity shirt Amy gave me! :) (Please know it was a joke! She actually got me a super cute apron and some jewelry!)
Our gift for our Mom and Dad had just the reaction we were looking for! This is mom and dad both crying after they saw the plane tickets, hotel reservations, and Denver Bronco football tickets that all the kids chipped in for so they could have a nice, relaxing getaway after their remodeling stresses! :)
Jack, Dustin, and Lily!
Jack reunited with Wesley, and they had way too much fun. It was hard to tear them away from each other even just for bedtime!
We went sledding a couple of times while we were in Logan. This day was the day after Christmas. Jack absolutely loved it! Here he is with Daddy!
Jack and Mommy doing a little sledding!
Some of the gang sledding: Mylee, Amy, Aubrey, Madison, Stacy, Dustin, Jack, and Conner.
Here is Jack helping set the table for one of our many delicious meals!

And yes there is still more to come!

1 comment:

Mindy said...

Please wear the maternity sweater. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. :) Please. :)