Jack absolutely loves his Spiderman outfit I found for a good deal at Ross. He pretty much wants to wear that or a basketball or football shirt/outfit everyday. Sometimes when he has on his Spiderman outfit or his Spiderman pajamas, he also thinks he has to wear his Spiderman slippers and his Spiderman bike helmet! :)
Well after we got home from Christmas, a Christmas package from Dustin's sister, Melissa, came! Jack was so excited to open more presents!

Yeah, Dustin decided to grow a beard from October until he just BARELY shaved it off! He is cute either way, but I think shaving the beard shaved off a couple years from the age he looked!

This is Jack in his Christmas outfit that I bought him. I thought the comb over also added to the cuteness of our little man!

We have been reading A LOT of books lately! Jack loves to just sit forever and have us read stories.

Or he will sit in his room forever and just read his books. He is so smart and will tell us exact lines from his books!

We have been trying a little bit of potty training. He has peed and pooped successfully in the toilet several times, but we aren't even close to being there! :)

Yeah, we have been making lots of treats. Jack is excited when prego mommy gets a craving for cookies! :)

Life is good! Jack brings us so much joy every single day! He is so smart and sweet and crazy all at the same time! We are having fun, staying very busy lately (it will be nice when basketball season is over), and realizing that before we know it, baby # 2 is going to be here!
I cannot believe how BIG he is! He is seriously a little stud :) The ladies better watch out. You guys have such a cute family and I love that you let him wear his spiderman helmet and slippers!
Jack is such the little man! I love him all dressed up and in his spidy outfit. You need to post pics of you and your pregnant belly. :)
Jack, you are looking so big! Stop growing! What a handsome little guy, you have there.
How are you feeling?
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