We have now been in Laramie for almost two whole months! We are still working on getting settled into our new house and hanging stuff on the walls, we have been exploring the town and parks, and Dustin is really enjoying his job and the people he works with. Here he is sporting the brown and gold! :)
I am enjoying being home with my two boys! I am actually surprised how time can go by so fast each day and how I am just totally losing track of the days. I can't believe how fast Zander is growing! Just yesterday he rolled over from his tummy to his back on my bed! Pretty crazy! And I certainly can't get enough of his big smile!
And isn't he handsome in this outfit I got for $6?! (In Logan of course....there is NOWHERE to shop in Larmie!)

Jack and I are battling it out about naps lately. He usually wins and doesn't take one but plays and reads books in his room instead. Lots of times he comes out during nap time to tell me "I have my Magic Guy stuff on!" I usually can't help but smile. How cute is that?

Jack and I are battling it out about naps lately. He usually wins and doesn't take one but plays and reads books in his room instead. Lots of times he comes out during nap time to tell me "I have my Magic Guy stuff on!" I usually can't help but smile. How cute is that?
Dustin has been working a lot but we enjoy when he comes home and try to do things as a family. Here is Dustin with the boys getting ready to go on a family walk.

I took Jack to the story time at the library. Here he is intently coloring his picture. It was a good day to go. It was all about balloons!

Another day we went to the library's "Picnic and a Movie." Here is Jack enjoying his "picnic" of blueberries in the library gardens.
We have had fun visiting Dustin at work a few times. Here is Jack's handiwork in wrapping up his daddy!

Jack is at such an entertaining and imaginative stage right now. He likes to dress up, make up stories, sing songs, "read" books to us, play pretend with his toys, give Zander loves and kisses, etc. He also throws lots of screaming fits.... But overall this stage is so fun!
Jack loves doing anything with his Daddy. Some of his favorite things to do with him are play cars/trains, play marble tower or Legos, shoot hoops, do Tball, read books, wrestle, watch "funny videos", and snuggle on the couch watching cartoons.

More of Zander's awesome smile!

More of Zander's awesome smile!
School and football season are in full swing now! Here is Jack down on the field with Daddy after a football scrimmage.

Dustin and Jack swimming on our "deck" aka cement slab in our "back yard" aka weed infested mud hole. I got in the pool too. We probably looked awesome for all the world to see splashing around in our pool! :)

Here is where Jack chose to sleep one night. He doesn't like to stay in his bed, but he isn't allowed in ours. So for awhile he would come in and sleep on our floor. We have now resorted to putting the baby gate up in his doorway so he can't get out at night... :)

I made Jack eat lunch like this one day because we were going somewhere and I didn't want his cute outfit to get dirty. This kid gets messy!

My handsome boy ready for church. We are making some friends at church. There are several little kids Jack's age, so that is good.

I signed up for a membership at the rec center. I have went to exercise there a few times, will be starting some sort of fitness class, and have taken my boys swimming a couple of times there. Here is Jack and me after our Mommy/Son date of swimming and an ice cream treat after.

Brown and yellow. I can think of a couple other things that are brown and yellow. ;)
Glad you are settling in so nicely. We miss you.
Holy update! I love it! Zander is getting so big and seems to have his own little personality. Your pool rocks - it's practically a hot tub :) Keep posting friend.
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