Zander is 9 months already! I cannot believe how fast time has flown by! He is getting more personality each day. Here is a little bit about Zander at 9 months:
*He still is just doing an army crawl, but loves to rock on his knees.
*He eats really good and wants to eat anything and everything! Sometimes I can't shovel the food in fast enough and he gets mad at me in between bites! He puts EVERYTHING into his mouth including dog food, Playdoh, paper, lint, pretty much anything he finds!
*He loves Jack, but also fears him. He flinches every time Jack comes near, but then usually laughs and smiles to see him!
*He loves Jack's guitar toy and will "dance" every time a song comes on.
*He is kind of a mama's boy and often cries when I leave his sight.
*He still only has 2 teeth and loves to give big toothy grins!
*He loves to have me stand him up and let him hang on to things.
*He is still waking up once a night.
*He poops SO much and his poop seriously reeks! :)

Our little man really is so cute! And he is our LITTLE man. Here are his 9 month stats:
Height: 28.5 (55th percentile)
Weight: 14'14" (Not even on the charts! He actually lost weight since his 6 month appointment!)
The good news is that his head is still growing on a good scale, so he is okay! (I promise I feed him!) He is SO active. The doctor called him an "aerobic baby". He just moves and moves and burns so many calories he isn't gaining weight. He suggested we feed him more protein. Anyway, we really do have two very skinny boys on our hands as shown in the pictures below!

I sure love our skinny boys! I am so thankful for Zander in our family. It is fun to watch him grow, his little funny, stubborn personality develop, and to see him learn and explore the world around him!
Aww, Zander is so sweet. He is obviously a healthy and thriving boy! And you know he'll be crawling ANY day! I wouldn't worry about those charts. :)
And hey, it looks like you figured out how to do a collage on Picassa! Way to go! You'll have to let me know if you figured out blurb!
Awww...Zander is so cute! :)I love that little guy!
Two cute kids!! Its crazy Zander is 28.5 inches tall. Jackson is almost 28 inches tall right now and he is 2 months younger. I love looking at your cute pictures of your family! Happy 9 months old to baby Zander!
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