In July I headed to Utah for a long trip. The journey started off on a very low note with the drive out, but I will spare you the nasty details by just saying that by the time I pulled into my parent's driveway our car smelled of extreme vomit from both boys, and I had projectile vomit on the back of my seat and my arm! (So nasty! And yes, I was freaking out!)
Shortly after I arrived I was off with my sister to play in one of her city league basketball games. It did not improve my mood because we played against many of the people I greatly despised in high school. It wouldn't have been so bad if these now 30+ year old mothers were not still serious beasts! They were so bratty and tallking trash. Needless to say, my sister and I both came home in quite bad moods! But it was fun to play on the same team as her again and have some sweet sister to sister baskets!
We seriously need to get us one of these little car things. My boys LOVED it! They would push each other and Lily around and around. And please take note of Jack's amazing trick of standing on top of it in one of the pictures. It was so fun to take my boys to many of the places I enjoyed in Logan growing up. One day my mom and I took my boys and Lily for a picnic at Willow Park and then went around and saw the animals. It is actually a pretty weak park, but to little kiddos, there is some cool stuff! (BTW, the bottom right picture cracks me up!)
It was like a dream come true for my boys to just play in my mom and dad's big backyard every day. They could spend all day out there! I loved sitting back there and enjoying it too! It is a billion time better than our small weed/dirt/mud yard at home. My mom had her little swimming pool set up too, and my boys LOVE water so they had lots of fun playing in the pool and with the water hose! Lily and Jack were pretending to fill up the car with gas!
Jack had a blast doing the slip n slide with Britney and Dillon and then just playing pretend and chatting with Britney.
Lots more backyard fun! We played golf with Grandma and Grandpa, played with lots of balls and other fun toys Grandma has, played on the swing set, ate lots of popsicles on the porch, chilled in the lawn chairs, and cleaned off golf balls that Zander threw in the muddy window wells. Cute kiddos in the bathtub after a long day of playing!
My dad, Kirk, Rick, and their boys went fishing in Montana while we there. Kirk, my dad, Ryan, and Drew were so excited to come home and show off their fish. Dillon and Brittney were visiting too. They were super brave with touching the nasty, slimy fish. I was not. But Jack was! It was fun to be there for Pioneer Day and participate in some fun festivities. They had some fun stuff for the kids to do like face paining, hair painting, making hats and crafts, a candy cannon, and these blow up slides and jumping things. Jack had lots of fun, except when he went down the big slide. If you can see, his face is terrified! We also went to the Pioneer Day parade. It was actually really long and really good!
That night we had a little barbecue. Kirk and Amy's family came up for it. We ate yummy food, played with cousins, and did some typical Utah fireworks: fountains - woohoo!
Isn't this an awesome picture? I love the sky, how high Jack is, and the look of complete terror on his face! The kids loved this game with Lisa's boyfriend, Pace. They would go down the slide, and he would catch them and throw them in the air!
I love these pics of the kids watching the fireworks. Mylee and Jack are best buddies. And I love their looks of oohs and aahs during the fireworks! Another day we took a picnic to good old 1st Dam. We ate, climbed trees, fed the ducks, and had fun playing in the water and trying to skip rocks!
Jack enjoying 1st Dam
Zander enjoying 1st Dam and obviously getting very wet!


Jack enjoying 1st Dam

Zander enjoying 1st Dam and obviously getting very wet!


More to come!
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