We have now lost Dustin to basketball season. He works 7 to 7:30 (at least) every day. Here are some pics of what we have been doing around the house this fall.
Here is Zander hanging out....eating his hand like normal.

Practicing sitting up

Jack stuffing all his trains down his shirt....and some Desitin...

Chewie and Z playing

Dustin and all his boys.

Finishing off the coffee table that was a casualty of our move. (I had a lot of fun karate kicking it to break off pieces!) Dustin liked sawing...

Zander hanging out on his blanket at the park on one of our beautiful fall days!

Jack playing in the sand at the park.

The boys in the bike trailer...we have enjoyed a few little fun bike rides!

Zander strengthening those chicken legs in his Exersaucer.

Love that smile....(Hate his cry....)

Jack licking off the silverware after I made some goody. I have probably been enjoying trying out new goodies a little too much this fall....

Jack being a baby...

Another bike ride

Happy baby!

Jack's line of trains...possible OCD inherited from me....

So some days I consider it an accomplishment if the boys are at least out of their pjs by the time Dustin comes home for lunch at 12. Most mornings we hang out in the all morning..


Jack and his tool backpack.

Tummy time!

Jack bugging Z during tummy time!

Love em!

Our little cowboy! (He was riding my stuffed animal cow saying, "I'm a cowboy!")

Sporting their K-State (Daddy's alma mater) clothes! I love the look Zander is giving his crazy brother!

Willie the Wildcat, Jack, and Z

Trying out a teething biscuit..

Playing trains with Daddy!

such cute boys!
They're so cute. You are one busy Mommy...those are some long days!
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