The day after Jack's birthday, both boys had their Well Check-ups at the doctor. Jack had his 3 year check up. He is doing awesome, super healthy, "muscular," (as the doc said) and smart. He was a great patient. Here are his stats:
*38 inches (3'2" tall!) which is around 70th percentile
*weighst 31.5 pounds, which is 50th percentile
Here is a little about Jack right now - He pretty much never stops talking. He likes to paint, color, draw, and play with stickers. He is still our big blue eyed, handsome boy!
He LOVES to play with cars, trucks, dinosaurs, tools, stuffed animals, and Legos. He likes to sword fight, wrestle, and watch TV.
His toys are constantly all over the house, often where they don't belong or in random places. (I found a toy lion in one of the wipe containers the other day!) He has an amazing imagination! Just listening to him play makes us laugh and smile!
He wants to do whatever I am doing a lot of the time and likes to follow me around the house. Here he is trying on one of my sweaters.
He is ever so helpful with his brother. He likes to get into bed with him, help him roll over, give him only certain toys, feed him, and push him in his Johnny Jumper.
He loves to visit Daddy at work and "help" wrap and tape people up. He even wraps himself up!
Our big boy went to the dentist for the first time and was a perfect patient. His teeth were healthy, and he had no cavities. Phew!
And wahoo! Our big boy is potty trained! Thankfully can say he was potty trained before age 3, even if it was just a week! He has done so well. All it took was for me to stop being a lazy mommy and to buckle down and focus on it all day one day and be very attentive for a week! He really is doing amazing!
Zander man also had his 6 month appointment. He had to get some shots and wasn't too happy about it. He let me know too for a few days after. Here are his stats:
*He is 28 inches long which is the 90th percentile.
*He weighed in at 14'1" which was barely 5th percentile. Surprise, surprise. He is tall and skinny, kinda like his parents were as babies!
Here is a little bit about Z - He loves to be in his Johnny Jumper, though he hasn't quite got the jumping down yet. He absolutely loves his walker and cruises around the downstairs. He also likes being in his exercauser.
He has to sleep on his tummy or his side. He pretty much refuses to sleep any other way. And boy is he a crappy sleeper. He still gets up at least twice a night!
He has to sleep on his tummy or his side. He pretty much refuses to sleep any other way. And boy is he a crappy sleeper. He still gets up at least twice a night!
He is so curious. He wants to grab anything and everything he can get his hands on. He smiles a ton, has a cute belly laugh, and is getting more and more vocal.
Both boys LOVE bath time, so I thought I would end with some bath time fun pictures!
I sure love my boys and they are growing so fast! Both are tall and skinny, but personality wise, they are so different. It is obvisous that they love each other a bunch! I sure do love spending my days with them!
So fun Heather!!! Now I miss you guys even more. Aren't boys the best?! You are such a great Mom - and good job on the potty training. There's a few dollars in your pocket!
Heather, You are such a great mom and your boys are beautiful! It is fun to catch up on your life again. Every week in Young Womens I think back to when we were all growing up and I'm thankful you were a part of my childhood! Love You!
Cute family Heather! Way to go! :)
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