Jack loved the balloons we blew up for his party!
Here is my attempt at being creative and domestic - ball cakes for Jack!
Opening presents with Mommy at the party!
At first Jack just used his finger to get some frosting off the cake and ate that. Then I broke open the cake and he started grabbing handfuls. Here he is just starting to get into it!
Mommy, Jack, Daddy, and the massacred cake.
"Hey dad, you gotta try this stuff"
Definitely enjoying his chocolate cake. I am sure Jack was thinking, "Seriously, you are letting me eat this much chocolate and make this big of a mess....AWESOME!"
Check Please! (Bath time!!)
Jack with a couple of his buddies, Abe and Thomas. (Jack is gonna have lots of guy friends thanks to lots of our friends who have had or are having boys! Yay for sons!!)
Opening presents with Daddy after party.
Wahoo! A cell phone of Jack's very own that talks and lights up! (It even says things like, "Call Mommy," "Call Daddy," and"Call Grandma." Now we can practice! :)
By the end of opening presents on the second day, Jack was a serious pro!
Jack in his super cute camo hoodie (and chewing on the stick to his xylophone.
Here is Jack, Daddy, and Jack's loot! He got some wonderful, fun things for his birthday! Thank you so much to everyone who spoiled him so greatly!! He got a xylophone, clothes, books, balls, flashlights, a cell phone, a toy to hit and it bobbles back up, lots of bath toys, a Tonka truck, cars, bowties, and a Jack-in-the-box! He has so many and they are everywhere, so he just goes back and forth from toy to toy all day!!
It was a great birthday. Jack is clearly very loved. He is such a wonderful blessing and a great joy in our lives! We love you Jackie Bean!! Happy 1st Birthday!