Thursday, June 2, 2011

All About Zander

So I know I am slow, but I definitely need to document what our little Zanderman is like at 1 year and share his 1 year stats.  He is still small, but at least he is growing.  His personality and temper, on the other hand, are anything BUT small!   So here are some pics of our little man, and a little about him!

SO our little "Made in Montana" man has been growing and flourishing here in Wyoming now for the greater part of his days....

His 1 year stats:
*Height 30 3/4 = 77th percentile
*Weight 17'12" = 0 percentile (not on charts because he is too small....)
*Head Size 18 inches =29th percentile (He does not have a big noggin like his brother and dad!)

A bit about him:
*He LOVES to eat!  (You would think he would be bigger...)  He will eat ANYTHING that I give him....except baby food.  However, he WILL NOT be fed anything different than what we are eating.   He wants what we have and he won't be fooled.  The picture below is what happens when I let Jack help feed Z.

*He loves to smile and laugh.  He cracks himself up, but he also laughs at his brother a ton!  He has such a cute laugh and smile.  It brightens up our days.
*On the other hand....he cries quite a bit.  Wait. No, he doesn't cry.  He screams and sqwuaks like a pterodactyl.  (I call him my bipolar baby!)

*See this picture:
He looks all sweet giving you that wide-eyed innocent look, but really the little man is so stubborn, tempermental, and sassy.  He already doesn't listen and loves to do exactly what we tell him not to do.  For example, he loves to climb up onto chairs, the dishwasher, the train table, stairs, toys, anything really.

Climbing under the picnic table.

*He taught himself to go up and down the stairs all by himself.  It is pretty cute seeing him speed down on his tummy.  
*  He is into EVERYTHING: garbages, toilets, dog food, dishwasher, laundry, toys...anything left laying on anything will eventually be chucked to the floor.  
If you need more proof, check out the blog about how he spent his birthday...getting into everything! 
*He loves bath time and would stay in there for hours if I let him! 
*He started mobility with a speedy army crawl.  He did that from about 7 months to 11 months.  He finally started crawling on his knees and is now quite speedy at that too.  He loves to cruise along furniture, but will not even attempt to walk on his own.  He rarely will even do it with a push toy.  We actually caught a picture of it one of the few times he has done it.  
*He LOVES his Daddy, but he is a serious MAMA'S BOY too!  (Though I have like no pictures of us together recently...)
He likes to snuggle with Dad
Do tricks
And wrestle.  He loves to jump on us, pillows, blankets, fall down on the bed.  Pretty daring.  
*He is NOT a good sleeper.  But look how angelic he looks when he is asleep!  
He still wakes up usually once a night, but will occasionally sleep through the whole night.  He still needs to go to bed with a bottle.  He will occasionally fall asleep in the car, but anywhere else instead of sleeping, he will just scream if he is tired.  He needs his ideal circumstances to sleep, which are all shown in the picture below.  
*He absolutely LOVES Jack.  (Fears him, but loves him just the same.)  He wants do do EVERYTHING Jack is doing: eating, drinking, playing.  At night they keep each other awake playing and yelling.  Z will stand at the end of his crib at night and in the morning yelling, "JACK! JACK!"  trying to wake Jack up!  We even found his socks on Jack's pillow cuz he had taken them off and had thrown them at Jack to try and wake him up!
Aren't they cute? (And no, I do not always dress them alike as these pictures make it appear!)
*Loves to play Peek-a-boo.  He can also wave, blow kisses, and give high fives!  
*He loves to play basketball and is lately really loving playing with all balls and his toys.  He will just sit and play with toys all by himself.  (Those are some great moments!) 
*He loves to go to the park, for bike rides in the trailer, for walks in the stroller, playing in sand, and swinging on swings.  He loves to be outside, and is finally overcoming his dislike/fright for grass.

*He seriously is one of the cutest kids ever.  I might be biased, but really those eyes, the blonde hair, the skinniness.  He can melt me, that's for sure.
*He doesn't talk much yet or clearly I should say.  The words that he attempts to say, but doesn't say very well are Jack, mama, dada, more.   

Here are a few parting shots of our cute little guy!  

 Isn't he handsome in his new outfit from Grandma Enslinger! I absolutely love this picture of him!
 Can't get enough of this face!  

 Bring on the second year of this crazy boy's life!  We sure do love him! :)  

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