Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Cutest Monkey on the Block

Here is the cutest monkey on the block.

I cannot believe that Jack just experienced his first Halloween, and he will be 1 year old in less than a week! Last year at this time of year I was waddling around looking like a big, fat pumpkin! Well, Jack was a monkey for Halloween, and he looked so stinkin cute!! He had quite the day! We woke up Friday morning and mommy and Jack got decked out in their $1 Halloween shirts.

Jack had a very tiring and eventful day. He was off to spend the morning with Cami, Jacob, and Hannah. Then Daddy picked him up and brought him to Mommy's work. Jack got to show off his monkey costume for some of the teachers and the Headmaster. The Headmaster took this cute picture of us:

From there we headed over to Daddy's work to show off Jack and do a little trick-or-treating up in the front offices. Jack enjoyed his first sucker of the day there. Then Jack and Mommy went and did some trick-or-treating on main street. Here is Jack with some of his friends in the ward that we ran into.

2 suckers, a tootsie roll, and an attempt at sucking through the wrapper to get to some bubble gum later, Jack was getting tired and a little tipsy from the sugar. Here is a picture of him in his sugar daze....

Then he got a little hyper and delirious with the sugar running through his system. Here he is excitedly showing off the Fire Department where they gave him a heaping hand full of candy.

Here is Jack posing by some cute decorations outside one of the buildings downtown.

Then this happened like the instant we got in the car....

About one hour later (not nearly a long enough time for Jack's nap) I had to wake him up to go to the ward Trunk-or-Treat. He wasn't very happy there, but he sure looked cute. We then came home and had some friends over for a little Trunk-or-Treat after party. Jack kind of got his second wind and had some fun with some of his friends. Overall it was a great Halloween, but a very tiring day for everybody. Here is a few more pictures of my cute little monkey.

Daddy and his little monkey!

Playing in the leaves!

Posing in the leaves (Chewie is trying to get a taste of part of a tootsie roll that Jack got stuck in the armpit of his costume!) :)


Mindy said...

I *cannot* believe he is almost a year!!!!!!!! OH, MY WORD! And, I concur: he *is* stinkin' cute! :)

NAT said...

Love the costume! What a cutie. Happy 1st Halloween, Jack!

Anonymous said...

Heather - How are you? Just thought I would let you know that I started my own blog. I swore I wouldn't until I got married, but this is the only way I keep in touch with people. Jack is the cutest kid ever!