I absolutely love the area we live in! Big Sky country is amazing! There are so many trails to walk on or hike and so much beautiful nature around. Here are some pictures from another outing we did this summer. We packed a picnic lunch and headed up Hyalite Canyon and visited the resevoir and walked up to see Palisade Falls! It was beautiful! Jack and I have spent so much time outdoors this summer, and we have loved it! :)
Jack fell while we were eating and apparently did not like the feel of the dirt and pine needles on his hands and knees. After he tripped, he just laid there on his belly with his hands and legs in the air. It was pretty funny! :)
Our cute little Jackie Bean!
After our picnic we decided to try for a family picture...it turned out kind of cute! Wahoo for self-timers and me sprinting into position! :)
Jack all ready to head up the trail!
Jack and Daddy walking up the trail! I love how Jack just lounges back and makes himself very comfortable! :)
Chewie and me walking up the trail! (This is Chewie post hair cut. He looks kind of skinny!)
Hey! It looks like the waterfall is coming down on Jack's head! :)
Cute little Chewie! He was all tuckered out by the end of the day!
Cute pictures. :) I just brushed my teeth and now I feel like I need some water. Chilled water. I like you lots. Your sister has crazy Facebook status'. The end.
YOu are making me want to move to Montana... ha ha until WINTER comes! :) So fuN! I wish we could be outside more but it is too stinkin hot!
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