Saturday, September 11, 2010


Seriously awesome videos, boy, outfit, songs, actions, etc! Awesomeness. BTW, in the 2nd one Jack is saying, "You don't wanna mess with this!" while flexing his big muscles. Then he tells how our family rocks it. This stems from the little cheer I frequently chant: "Who rocks the house? Mommy rocks the house and when mommy rocks the house she rocks it all the way down." Well one day Jack decided only HE could rock it all the way down. Seriously he cried and screamed and said that no he rocks it all the way down. Therefore, I have to rock it all the way up, daddy - sideways, Zander - all around, and Chewie - upside down! :)

1 comment:

Sandra said...

Braeden and I just watched those videos. I thought they were both hilarious and Braeden was excited that it was Jack and that Jack has the same sheets that Braeden does (I don't think they're exactly the same, but he has Cars sheets that are similar!). Haha! Anyway, the videos are way cute!