Monday, January 14, 2008

More about us...

So sorry to do a billion posts on pretty much the first day, but I want to get current. So here is a little about us right now, and later I will put up pictures from Christmas, Jack's baby blessing, and some current photos of the little guy!

Well Dustin is smack dab in the middle of basketball season. He is the Athletic Trainer for Montana State. He goes on 5 day road trips with them that Jack and I do not enjoy at all. He is such a cute daddy and Jack adores him. Dustin is always coming up with little games that he can do with Jack...such as the simple game of Jack kicking his blanket off and Dustin telling him he better not! You should see the look on Jack's face as he starts kicking oh so hard to get the blanket off when Dustin says that! Jack definitely looks like and loves his daddy.

I am at home with Jack and loving it. He is fun! I am also coaching a Junior High girls basketall team. It should be an adventure to say the least. Some of these gals have not a clue!! Stay tuned for stories from this experience....I am sure there will be some goodies!

Jack has had a cold for the last couple of weeks and I for one cannot wait for him to get over it. He is stuffy and has quite the cough. I practically burst into tears every time he has a coughing fit. It is hard to watch and not really be able to do anything. Jack gets pretty frustrated and at the end of coughing usually yells out a little with a very emphatic "ERGH!!"

We enjoyed the holidays, but traveled a ton. We are settling back into things finally. Keep checking in on our blog, but be patient with my learning process!!
Heather, Dustin, and Jack

1 comment:

NAT said...

Sounds like things are pretty busy, but I'm glad that you're able to be home with little Jack. He's such a cutie! Good luck with coaching!