Here is Jack loving bath time. He loves to splash, "swim," and push the plug back down when I pull it up and say bath time is over. In this picture he is sitting on it and guarding it so I can't pull it up again!
Climbing in his toy box.
Playing on the computer
Pulling out all of Daddy's alphabetized DVDs
Jack makes some seriously funny facial expressions! Here are some of his good wide eyed ones!
I really like this face when he got caught climbing on the kitchen table. (He is a climbing maniac!)
Jack has some great "cheese" faces. This one and the one at the top of our blog are my favorites. I especially like the broccoli on his face and in his teeth in the top picture!
Jack still loves to go into Chewie's room and play in the water and throw and eat dog food. I know it is gross, but he REALLY likes it, I guess. And now that he has learned to walk and has some new leverage or whatever, he learned to open the sliding door into Chewie's room. Not good.
Jack loves to play in the closet and pull all my shoes off the shoe rack. He goes in there and shuts the door. In fact, right after I took this picture he crawled over and shut the door in my face.
Apparently Jack said something naughty. I didn't hear it, but he took it upon himself to wash his own mouth out with soap.
Jack sure does love his daddy! He loves to wrestle with him, cuddle with him, and for some reason he says Daddy all the timme but never says mommy. Yeah, it kind of bugs.
Here is Chewie and Jack getting Dustin!
Apparently Jack has seen his daddy drink the milk out of his cereal bowl a little too much. He likes to "drink" all his food. Here he is drinking his applesauce.
Jack likes to pull all of the bags and things under the kitchen sink out and all the towels out of the drawer. Chewie likes when he does that too!
The days of speedy crawler like in this video are almost over.....
Now there is a lot more walking going on. Jack is already trying to run! Oh fun, fun! More video of Jack's walking improvements later! :)
SoooooOOOOOO Cute!!!!! Hi Jack, you are a little sportster arnt ya! Heather he is so adorable.... I love the photo of him in the dog's room eating and playing with the food. :) That will be our little one pretty soon... hahaha video is awesome, fun to hear your voice and see Jack crawling all around.. Sure hope you are doing well... Lots of love!!! :))))))
Jack is so dang cute! What an adorable little family you have. You better be teaching Jack how to play basketball! (I found your blog link on Kristin Wilkerson's (Maughan) page... I'm glad I did!) I was just asking Lisa about you when I saw her at an LHS b-ball game at Ben Lomond.
I added some stuff to my blog profile...just for you! haha. You should check it out. I put my email address too, so you can email me if you want. Love ya!
Jack you are a smart little boy. Then again, you have a smart Mommy & Daddy who are good teachers.
He sure is cute...and getting so big!
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